John --

Recently, I’ve been thinking about Sarah, an old classmate of mine.

The other day, I ran into her, and she told me about working at a local restaurant. She already had another job but had to take on a second one to afford her family’s massive medical bills.

Even though she and her husband do everything right and work hard, they can’t get ahead.

Her story is all too familiar and sounds like many others I’ve heard all over Iowa’s 4th Congressional District.

Many people work two, maybe three, jobs hoping that maybe, just maybe, they can get to a place where they aren’t worrying about affording the bills this month. And all while this is going on, as families are struggling to survive in America, the policies coming out of Congress place wealth, investment, and special interests above the dignity and worth of American workers.

When we finished our conversation and said goodbye, I drove back home. And when I got home, I saw that she had donated $5 to our campaign. That meant the world to me. She’s working two jobs and could barely cover her medical expenses, but believed our campaign was worth it.

I tell you this story to show that we’re a people-powered campaign. People like Sarah, and countless others, pitch in because we are speaking up for them.

The power of people -- from chipping in $5, donating their time to volunteer, or putting a yard sign in their yard -- is what’s pushing us to a win in November.

John, if you are willing to pitch in $5 or $10 or whatever you’ve got, I’m asking you to help us meet our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline so that people like Sarah can live in a country that works for them -- not the special interests.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Our campaign is about supporting the backbone of this nation. When I talk about the backbone, I’m talking about my childhood friend. I’m talking about the truck drivers, the farmers, the nurses, the teachers, and so many more.

Together, we can stand tall for all.


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Paid for by Scholten4Iowa Campaign Committee

P.O. Box 3531
Sioux City, IA 51102