
Tonight, we dance, we laugh, and we celebrate Black and brown joy! Tonight we make an intentional space online to use happiness to guide our vision of the Florida we want. Join Florida for All’s, which New Florida Majority is a part of, virtual party tonight from 7pm to 10pm.

Sign up now to be a part of our joyful resistance.

With everything that has been happening over the past three months we need some time to be proud of our resiliency and our ability to hold our community together.

Every action we take to claim our power does not have to be an explicit fight against the systems and institutions that oppress us. We can practice being joyful in times when the world needs it most.

In the first hour, we’ll have performances from six local artists from across the state. We’ll then close out the event with 2 1-hour DJ sets full of great vibes and great energy.

Find out who all will be performing.

Florida for All wants to make sure our joy, happiness, and power are at the center as we work together to educate and motivate our communities to elect leaders up and down the ballot who share our values and who can help us build a better future.

So as we look to the political fight we have in August and November, let’s launch into the political season grounded in our collective need to feel the hope this work brings us.

Join us for fun, release, and pure joy tonight. Register here.

With power and unity,

Serena Perez
Organizing Director
New Florida Majority


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New Florida Majority
10800 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 1050
Miami, FL 33161 United States