Hi John,

Imagine: An election with no claims of splitting the vote or running a spoiler campaign. An election where you don’t have to do the political calculus of “should I vote for someone I really like or the person that others say is most likely to win?” An election where each candidate gets to focus on her strengths rather than the weaknesses of her opponents.

In Maine, that’s our reality – thanks to ranked-choice voting.

Can you contribute today to elect a Senator who will fight for voting rights for all Americans?

Because of our ranked-choice voting system, you can vote for the candidate whose values you most align with and then rank the rest of the candidates in order of preference. I’m proud to be running for office in a state that offers voters the freedom to vote in a ranked-choice system, and I humbly ask that when you vote, whether in person or by absentee ballot, that you rank me first. Or, if your values best align with another candidate, I would be honored to be your second-choice.

But for ranked choice voting to work, voters have to know about all the candidates. That’s why each day we’re calling tens of thousands of Mainers in every corner of the state in order to spread our message of progress and hope. But we can’t do this without you – can you contribute today so that we can continue to share our message to Mainers?

Help us reach thousands of Mainers every day – contribute now!

Our campaign’s momentum has never been stronger, but we need your help to cross the finish line on July 14th. We hope you’ll join us in showing Maine and the rest of the country that fighting for progressive values isn’t idealistic, but the necessary and winning message.

In Solidarity,



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Betsy Sweet for U.S. Senate
PO Box 487
Hallowell, ME 04347
United States