Omar for Aurora


We have a lot of opportunities to help the campaign this weekend! Please join us for one, two, or all three of them!

Jason and Team Crow BBQ in Support of Omar Montgomery, Saturday, August 24th at 1:30pm
Let's get together to celebrate our community and to get ready for our next steps for #OurAurora!

Resistance Canvass for Omar Montgomery, Saturday, August 24 , 10:00am
In this time of divisive politics and hateful rhetoric join us to canvass for #OurAurora.

Meet and Greet hosted by Mary-Ellen Wolf, Sunday, August 25th, 5-7:00pm
Join us and invite your friends to this meet and greet - the way to spread the word is by meeting as many Aurora voters as we can!

Our campaign is going strong with your help! Let's talk to each and every Aurora voter!


Omar Montgomery
Your Candidate for Aurora Mayor

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