Dear John,
The numbers are staggering.
We’ve lost so many loved ones to the coronavirus. Millions have lost jobs. And more children than ever are facing hunger this summer.
For children in families who are struggling right now, there’s no end in sight to the hunger crisis.
But there is hope, and it starts with you. We’re reaching out to you and other compassionate people to ask you to feed the growing ranks of hungry children by becoming a monthly donor to No Kid Hungry.
Remember, there was already a hunger crisis before the coronavirus. But now it’s dramatically worse.
With your help, No Kid Hungry has supported efforts that are providing as many as 9 million meals every day to kids facing hunger. In recent weeks, thanks to the generosity of people like you, we have:
- Provided more than $15 million in emergency food grants to hundreds of schools and community groups in every state.
- Successfully advocated for policy changes that will help families in need, including strengthening SNAP benefits and nationwide waivers that will allow schools and local organizations the flexibility they need to feed kids throughout the summer.
- Created a national Free Meals Finder and local texting service so families can find meal sites in their neighborhoods.
But John, make no mistake — the need is still growing. And it may get worse before it gets better.
Your monthly gift will help us meet the present crisis and keep our eyes on the long-term prize: an end to childhood hunger in America.
In the darkest of times, the best parts of ourselves often shine through. Please shine with me today and help feed the children who need us.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Erica Best Team No Kid Hungry
PS: Summer hunger started early this year. Your monthly gift will help us feed kids this summer and beyond. Thank you for your generosity.