
Conference Call: A Mysterious Explosion in Russia

Stephen Bryen August 28, 2019 at Noon Eastern

Some sort of Russian rocket engine exploded in Nyonoksa, a naval test area near the city of Severodvinsk earlier this month. The Russians have been closed-mouthed about the kind of rocket test that took place, but subsequently, a large section of the White Sea area around the Nyonoksa test range has been closed off to shipping for at least 30 days.

Please join the JPC for this special conference call with Dr. Stephen Bryen, founder and first director of the U.S. Defense Technology Security Administration. He will discuss his insight into the explosion, Russia's current missile program, and how Moscow has abandoned arms control with Washington.

August 28, 2019 at Noon Eastern

Phone: +1 (646) 876-9923
Webinar ID: 900 854 724

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