June 2020

Identity Mobilizes Covid Support

In the past three months, Identity has supported over 1700 families, accessed nearly $700,000 in emergency assistance effecting more than 8,700 people, provided food and food referrals to ten times as many people as last year, and much more during the devastating upheaval of COVID 19. 
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Dreamers Reprieve

We at Identity are cautiously exhilarated and relieved for our Dreamers, the many Identity staffers and parents who are DACA recipients, now that their right to live and work in the U.S. has been upheld, for now, by the Supreme Court. Brought to the U.S. as children, they are once again able to exhale. But fear continues. We need to make sure that Congress delivers a lasting decision. 
But there has been no break in fear for Black families.  In solidarity, in grief, AND in action, read this special message from Diego. 

Another Win/Win

Identity has entered into two new collaborations to fight hunger while empowering community members with new outreach skills and meaningful work experience. Ten young adults and parents have been trained by Manna Food Center for outreach to the most isolated Latino families with food support. Other young adults are training to increase awareness and reach of federal food assistance programs through the Montgomery County Food Council and Burness. READ MORE.

Mil Gracias + Thank You

All the ways the families are being supported, large and small, are a direct result of the gifts that have been given to Identity in support of our community in this hour of need.  Thank you for heading off hunger, homelessness and despair related to the pandemic: 
Adventist HealthCare, Bender Foundation, Blair MoCo Strong Relief and Recovery Fund, Scott Brickman Family Fund, Business Leaders Fighting Hunger, James and Alice B. Clark Foundation, Comcast/NBC Universal Foundation, Greater Washington Community Foundation’s Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund. Healthcare Initiative Foundation, Intentional Philanthropy, Mead Family Foundation, Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation, Neighbors in Dire Need Montgomery Fund, David Stone Foundation, Weissberg Foundation, Cliff and Deborah White Family Foundation, and all the individuals who are listed here.
You can also support Identity when shopping on Amazon by designating Identity as your charity of choice through Amazon Smile.
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