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The SNP justice secretary's understanding of his hate crime bill has been questioned after he repeatedly misquoted a core part of the legislation. NSS head of communications Chris Sloggett is quoted.
A significant number of British halal meat-eaters might be persuaded to switch to meat from stunned animals, if they were reassured that some forms of stunning are compatible with halal rules, suggest the results.
Almost 100 clergy in the Church of England received financial compensation when slavery was finally abolished in the 1830s, research by University College London (UCL) has found.
Long-Bailey was summarily dismissed as shadow education secretary for sending an approving tweet about an interview in which the actor Maxine Peake said the US police tactic of kneeling on someone's neck was taught by the Israeli secret service.
A woman who donned a full-length niqab and sunglasses as part of a plot to steal a £50,000 laser hair removal machine has been jailed for two-and-a-half years.
US Roman Catholic bishops said Thursday that the church tallied 4,434 sex-abuse allegations against clergy in the 2018-19 audit year, triple the number seen the previous year, with much of the increase stemming from a wave of lawsuits and claims by survivors of decades-old molestation.
A Catholic church in Detroit has fired its music director after someone learned that she was married to a woman, and urged the executives to invoke the church's 'morality clause'.
"The naming of a 25-year-old Libyan asylum seeker as a suspect in the brutal murder of three men in a Reading park provides a sobering reminder that, while the world finds itself – rightly – preoccupied with the coronavirus pandemic, the threat of Islamist-inspired terrorism remains as potent as ever."
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