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Canada Day Update!

Ok Patriots of our great Nation. 1 week! We have 1 week left to promote this historic event! 1 week to encourage the masses to join us in taking our country back from the globalists! We do that by showing the rest of Canada that we are the opposition, we are the strength, we are the hope!

On June 28th, at 8am Saskatoon time, we will come together to start our convoy to Ottawa, #Canada1stConvoy. We will be meeting at the Tim Horton's parking lit at Centre mall on 8th street. There are numerous folks flying to Saskatoon as well as driving to Saskatoon to meet with us and embark on the road to freedom. We will be traveling on hwy 16 through Yorkton where we will meet with more patriots who will be joining us. From there to Winnipeg. On the way other patriots will be joining from Brandon and other places. We will take a quick break in Winnipeg and have more join us there! From Winnipeg we will travel as far into Ontario as possible and have a rest. More patriots will be joining us throughout Ontario! We hope to be in Ottawa late on the 29th or mid day on the 30th.

Contrary to numerous rumours about travel restrictions, there are none from the western provinces right to Ottawa. Please see this link to view provincial restrictions:

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel to receive live updates from the convoy.

To help promote this historic day, please share the two hashtags, #Canada1stConvoy and #REALCanadaDay to offset the government hashtag #VirtualCanadaDay Let's get them trending number one and number two in Canada this whole week!

On the day. We have been promoting 11am start time and a 6pm finish. There are folks that have committed to camping on parliament hill. We wish them good luck and strength. Many of us can not stay any longer than the 2nd.We have a staging area that we will not be advertising, where we can bring all the speakers together and prepare ourselves for whatever eventualities have arisen. Our group has been given expressed permission to set up a stage on parliament hill, that is our plan. We do have contingencies set-up in the event there are any issues. We have a long list of phenomenal speakers that will be sure to inspire, motivate, and encourage the masses to take action and be part of this movement to take back our country from the clutches of globalism. Our hope is to light the fires of patriotism across our country, To spread courage like a virus so that the Canadian masses can contract the will to stand up to the globalist agenda that is destroying our nation, our prosperity, our culture and our freedoms, and ultimately western civilization, the best civilization humanity has ever known! In order to do that we need the power of the masses, critical mass!

Notes: There will not be any portable washrooms but there is plenty of area restaurants and bars that can accommodate.

Make sure to have appropriate clothing for the weather. Bring water!!! We are hoping that people will set up water stations that are selling bottled water.

If you choose to wear a mask related to covid1984, you will be respected. If you choose not to wear a mask, you will be respected. Social distancing is a personal choice. If you choose to social distance, you will be respected.

*Violence of any kind will not be tolerated. If you encourage violence you will be asked to leave the area. If you witness any violence, report immediately to the nearest police officer.

* If antifa is there, DO NOT ENGAGE! DO NOT RESPOND! DO NOT INITIATE! We are working closely with Parliament Protection Services as well as the Ottawa Police to ensure a safe environment for all! Antifa wants you to react and react violently so they can film you and have you charged. DO NOT REACT! Smile and carry on.

I am also including a video update here: Please watch and share!

Our Canada Day update!

One last thing, we have social media graphics up on the website for you to download. Please do and post them on your social media profiles. Here is the link:

Let's do this Canada! Lets make a real difference and take back our country!

See you all on the hill, OUR Hill!

-Wednesday July 1st, 2020
Parliament Hill
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada!
11am - 6pm

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