Nydia Velazquez is a progressive leader and a fierce advocate for New Yorkers. She's been a long time champion for justice, inclusivity, and accountability in government. I could not be prouder to endorse her for Congress.
Nydia is fighting for working families, for small businesses, for immigrants--and all our values. I know you all call Nydia "La Luchadora" -- the fighter -- and she lives up to that name every single day.
Nydia's fight is far from over, and she needs our support to guarantee she can continue to work for a better future for all of us. We need experienced leaders like Nydia in Congress -- can you chip in and help me make sure she stays in Congress? >>> [[link removed]]
[RE-ELECT NYDIA] >>> [[link removed]]
Recovering from COVID-19 and the Trump Administration will take leaders like Nydia fighting for all of us in Congress. New Yorkers should be proud to have a leader like Nydia Velazquez representing them -- let's make sure she stays there. Can you help me make sure Nydia is re-elected so she can continue fighting for working people? >>> [[link removed]]
Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House of Representatives