Friends, I can confidently say I have the best team in all of politics, and that includes you! Check o

Friends, I can confidently say I have the best team in all of politics, and that includes you. Check out the message my team sent out earlier today to our campaign’s top supporters!

Trump and his lackeys know they need New Hampshire to win in 2020. They’re writing blank checks and taking down any public servant who may stand in their path -- including me.

But I’m not giving up without a fight.

That’s why we need to show them that this campaign can stand up to whatever they throw at us. Let’s give them a big surprise when they look at our fundraising numbers after June 30th. Send in $25 right now.

Thank you,

Annie Kuster


Annie Kuster for Congress

Annie’s top supporters,

Annie is facing an uphill battle as she fights to keep our district out of the hands of far-right extremists and keep her voice at the table in Congress. And she needs you!

As one of her top supporters, you’ve dedicated your time and resources to help a trustworthy public servant keep the Granite State at the top of Congress’s mind.

But things are just getting started.

In order to raise the $$$ we need to send in our STRONGEST public report of 2020, we can’t miss reaching our $30,000 end-of-quarter goal -- even by one penny. Will you help us raise the last $21,568 we need to hit our public fundraising goal?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

$5 $20.20 $50
$100 $250 Other

Thank you,
Team Kuster


Annie has established a record of putting aside party politics to focus on the issues that matter most to Granite Staters. She's worked with members of both parties to prioritize job creation and economic opportunity, and support New Hampshire veterans, women, students and seniors.


Paid for by Annie Kuster for Congress

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Annie Kuster, PO Box 1498 Concord, NH, 03302