
Today, a coalition of Republican Attorney Generals filed briefs in the U.S. Supreme Court supporting a lawsuit that would repeal the Affordable Care Act. 

This activist lawsuit would give insurance companies the power to deny life-saving care to over 429,000 Montanans with pre-existing conditions. 

As Attorney General, I’ll personally intervene on behalf of Montanans to stop this lawsuit and put Montana families first over the profits of insurance companies.

By contrast, my Republican opponent has made his entire campaign about championing this dangerous lawsuit. The stakes could not be higher for Montanans' healthcare. 

In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, there could not be a worse time to commit political arson to the ACA, which provides healthcare to tens of thousands of Montanans. 
COVID-19 has shown how fragile our healthcare system is, and many Montanans are just one paycheck away from healthcare disaster or medical bankruptcy. 
Even Republican Attorney General Tim Fox declined to sign onto this extremist lawsuit that threatens the healthcare of Montanans, raises costs on everyone, and will hurt our rural hospitals and economy.
The Attorney General's office has never been more important in protecting the healthcare and economy of Montana. 

Please check out the healthcare forum I participated in yesterday with other Democratic Attorney Generals about why this lawsuit to repeal the ACA needs to be defeated.

Can you donate today to help me defeat this dangerous attack on our healthcare by Republicans?

–Raph Graybill

P.S. Go to our website and read our Blueprint on Healthcare that contains specific, actionable steps the Attorney General can take to protect Montanans with pre-existing conditions, lower healthcare prices for Montanans, and stop illegal price rigging by pharmaceutical corporations.
About Raph: Raph Graybill is Chief Legal Counsel to Governor Steve Bullock. A fifth-generation Montanan from Great Falls, Graybill won a Rhodes Scholarship and graduated from Yale Law School. Graybill beat the Trump Administration in court over dark money, protected our public lands from out-of-state developers, and defended Montana's public schools.

The non-partisan
 Cook Political Report rates the Montana Attorney General race as the most competitive in the nation and considers it a "Toss-up."

Paid for by Friends of Raph Graybill, PO Box 2728, Great Falls, MT 59403. Democrat.

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