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Suspending guest worker visas is the right policy - American STEM workers deserve to work!

In an excellent USA Today op-ed today, Rachel Bovard defends the presidential proclamation signed earlier this week that the Trump administration estimates will reallocate about 500,000 jobs to Americans in an attempt to bring about an "AMERICA FIRST RECOVERY".

The proclamation will prevent issuance of hundreds of thousands of immigrant and nonimmigrant visas through the end of 2020 - including most H-1B visas - and big business forces are already prominently arrayed against it. Tech CEOs specifically have received plenty of coverage about their dismay over the move.

It is important that those who agree with this unprecedented executive action speak up now, sharing good columns like Ms. Bovard's, and rallying support for the worker-first policies so all the high-immigration elites, and members of both parties understand how popular tightening the labor market is... especially now.

Rachel Bovard writes:

...over time [these visa programs] have evolved to serve corporate interests at the expense of both American jobs and the welfare of the immigrants who utilize them.
...According to the Economic Policy Institute, 60% of the H-1B positions in the fiscal year 2019 were at a wage lower than the local average wage. Increasingly, H-1Bs are used less to secure hard-to-find competencies than they are to subvert the American worker market to get foreign labor at a discount.
...Our legal immigration system is badly in need of substantive reform to ensure that visa programs, and the immigrants who benefit from them, are not exploited. But as millions of Americans struggle to find work, the measures announced by the White House will finally give them a fighting chance in industries where Americans are too often ignored and displaced.

We can be sure that the administration is under heavy fire from deep-pocketed interests groups to roll this measure back and not move forward on additional necessary reforms. Tech and other corporate lobbyists are mobilized and pouring on the pressure both behind the scenes and in the media. Who is going to speak up for American workers if not us?

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