Good Evening Ward 8 Residents,
The budget priorities of Committee on Education are very important to me as it finds solutions to build equity to our schools and our community.
The Committee on Education accepted a transfer from the Committee on Recreation and Youth Affairs for one million dollars to provide access to Ballou Senior High School swimming pool. Over the last 3 years, we have heard the concerns of our seniors, particularly those at Congress Heights Senior Wellness Center. This funding will ensure seniors have access to the pool for health and wellness activities -- and we look forward to that.
Last year, Ward 8 schools faced a tremendously budget cut. Part of the explanation for Ward 8 schools having a decrease in funding was because the student population decreased at the schools. Now, more than ever, it is important that we work to ensure equity and inclusion for our students. Ward 8 schools need adequate funding. Ward 8 schools serve a primarily black student population. These students are disproportionately disadvantaged by inherent disparities in school funding.
This fiscal year, we had to make tough decisions and new adjustments on the FY21 budget. However, it is imperative that we distribute funding for students with equity and inclusion in mind. I will continue to fight for equitable funding for Ward 8 schools.

Trayon White, Sr.
Councilmember, Ward 8