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Clarion Project and CELL invite you to a webinar

“Antifa: To Designate or Not to

Designate -- That is the Question”

Ryan Mauro, Clarion Project National Security Advisor and Shillman Fellow

Andrew McCarthy, Senior Fellow at National Review Institute and former Assistant US Attorney for the Southern District of New York

Join our experts for a fascinating

discussion on what is Antifa, and can

it be designated a terrorist entity?

Date: Wednesday, July 1st

Time: 7 pm Eastern Standard Time


We look forward to you joining us.


Richard Green

Executive Director
Clarion Project is a non-profit organization that educates the public, law enforcement and policymakers about the dangers of ideological extremism through intel, film and their website.
Clarion’s award-winning films have been seen by more than 125-million people.
The Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab (CELL) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan institute that provides a comprehensive look at the threat of terrorism and how individuals can play a role in enhancing public safety.
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