FIRST: Senator Susan Collins betrayed her constituents by doing Mitch McConnell’s bidding and supporting the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court in 2018.

THEN: Mitch McConnell pledged to do everything in his power to help Collins win her re-election campaign, saying:

Mitch McConnell: Senator Susan Collins will be well-funded, I can assure you.

NOW: Collins is in the toughest re-election campaign of her career and McConnell’s right-wing megadonor network is spending outrageous amounts of money to attack her Democratic opponent, Sara Gideon. A recent poll of the race showed Collins leading by just one-point — it’s that close!

SO: We need Democrats like you to rush an urgent donation to help Flip the Senate defeat out-of-touch Republicans like Susan Collins and take our government back in November. Can you make a contribution of any amount before Tuesday’s FEC fundraising deadline?

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Thanks for stepping up to help us defeat Susan Collins and Republicans just like her in this election. We appreciate you.

— Flip the Senate