Add your name to tell educators, policy makers and transgender young people everywhere that you believe in treating transgender student athletes with dignity and respect.

The Supreme Court couldn’t have been more clear last week, John: Current civil rights law should protect LGBTQ people from discrimination. Period.

But in the face of this powerful ruling, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is still attacking transgender students – most recently, pushing to prohibit two Black transgender girls in Connecticut from participating in their high school track team.

Right now, two pandemics continue to rage: COVID–19 – and for BIPOC students, the daily trauma of systemic racism and white supremacy. It’s unconscionable that in a time of crisis, the leader of our country’s public education system would instead choose to double down on policing Black transgender bodies and attacking our most vulnerable students.

We won’t stand by silently and let Secretary DeVos get away with this. Add your name to tell educators, policy makers and transgender young people everywhere that you believe in treating transgender student athletes with dignity and respect.

In 2019, GLSEN met with Secretary DeVos to ask her to take definitive action to protect transgender students. She told us that she would wait until the Supreme Court weighed in.

Well, Secretary DeVos, the Supreme Court has spoken – and transgender people, including students, should be afforded dignity, respect and basic protection under the law.

With the Supreme Court ruling on our side, we need to raise our voices together (and raise the heat!) to tell the Department of Education: All athletes should be treated with fairness and respect – on the court, the playing field and everywhere in K-12 schools. Transphobia and racism have no place in our schools.

Please add your voice today to show your support for the transgender student athletes who are under attack. Your signature will show young transgender athletes nationwide that we all have their backs!

Now more than ever, Black transgender youth need to know they are not alone and that we are with them.

Thanks for taking action!

Melanie Willingham-Jaggers
Deputy Executive Director
GLSEN Inc. | 110 William Street | 30th Floor | New York, NY 10038 | 212-727-0135 | [email protected]
