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Dear friend,

Next month Ministers from twenty of the world's richest countries are meeting to discuss how to respond to Covid.  

While lockdown is easing in the UK, the virus could be taking hold in lower-income countries. Right now, Latin America is the epicentre of the crisis, and there are reports that Covid is accelerating quickly in Africa.  

The health and economic crisis could push 500 million more people into poverty. It’s crucial we call on our MPs to support debt cancellation. 

Take action now: Email your MP

Campaigning together we have already managed to win up to $12bn in debt suspension.  

But it could all fall apart. Private lenders – banks and hedge funds - have so far refused to cancel any of the debt owed to them. We have to keep up the pressure. 

Right now, 64 countries are spending more on debt repayments than healthcare. In some countries supplies are so short that the impact of Covid could be absolutely devastating. In the Central African Republic there are just 3 ventilators in a country of almost 5 million people.

Take action now: Call for debt cancellation

The meeting next month is crucial. Finance Ministers could decide to push for more debt suspension, or even better, debt cancellation, but they will only do that if we call on them to act.  

Add your voice to thousands around the world calling for debt cancellation and write to your MP today. 

As ever, we hope you are staying safe and well in these times.
Best wishes,  

Eva, Tim and the whole team at Jubilee Debt Campaign  

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