Hi Friends,

For our last online event, we co-hosted: “Racism Today: A Conversation for Solutions.” Over 15,000 people watched, exemplifying the need for more discussion, so we pledged to continue these events. 

As a second part to this series, join us tonight at 7pm on BGAA’s Facebook page/group for an enlightening conversation entitled, Black Women Matter. 

We will Join Denise Gray, along with panel participants including Kentucky State Representative Attica Scott, LeTonia Jones, retired Lt. Colonel Terry Owens, Dr. Lacretia Dye, LaToya Drake, Judge Tannisha Hickerson, and other guests for a conversation about the issues facing black women in Kentucky.

The reality is that when black women go missing or are murdered they are unlikely to receive the media attention other women receive. We are often seen as though our hurts are not real. We will discuss many topics: from our hair; to being the only person in the room; to feeling unprotected; and so many more. 

The link to the Facebook Event is here: https://facebook.com/events/s/black-women-matter-a-conversat/279459189917514/?ti=icl

See you then!

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