The theme for 2020: Preserving the American Way of Life A recent American Mind essay by chairman of the Claremont Institute, Thomas D. Klingenstein, was highlighted on the Rush Limbaugh show this week. In short, Americans, and the Republican party specifically, are adrift and under attack. This essay calls on the Republican party to come up with a more compelling mission than just “freedom” or “limited government”. We need something that is more focused and more comprehensive. Klingenstein offers this simple mantra: “to preserve the American Way of Life”. “This is the theme for 2020.” “This one literally is an election over the American way of life… [Claremont Institute Chairman Thomas Klingenstein wrote] a piece on what Trump and the Republicans must do to combat the crisis of confidence that has permeated millions of Americans and rendered them pessimistic about the future and pessimistic about Trump and pessimistic about the Republican Party…His proposal is that the Trump-Republican platform and all rhetoric, all of the language should revolve around a singular promise ‘to preserve the American way of life.’ And that’s what struck me because, folks, that’s what’s at stake, the American way of life. That’s what is being fought over...So, yeah, I think an adequate or really good Trump campaign slogan is Preserving the American Way of Life.” – Rush Limbaugh, June 24, 2020 “The article deserves wide readership, especially in the White House….[T]here is now an urgent need for [Trump] to rise above the daily noise and make a sustained, compelling argument for why his vision offers a better path forward. If he does it right, he will make it clear that ‘preserving the American way of life’ is not just about the next four years. Rather, it’s an idea that also keeps faith with the core principles that made America great in the first place.” – Michael Goodwin, NY Post, June 23, 2020 Preserving the American Way of Life, Thomas D. Klingenstein, The American Mind It seems to me Republicans are somewhat lost. And that may be, in part, because they are not exactly sure where they want to go. They do not think clearly enough about their purpose or mission. My proposal for a mission is this: To “preserve the American way of life.” The party’s platform and rhetoric should serve this mission. To “preserve the American way of life” is not simply a bumper sticker or a talking point (though it might work well as both). It is the essential starting point for a strategy. Read the rest here. Continue reading on The American Mind For 40 years, the Claremont Institute has been teaching and defending the true meaning of America, so dangerously distorted and degraded by the Left. Never has our work been more important than it is today. Please consider supporting us by sharing our content or making a donation. About___Magazine___Fellowships___CCJ___Events___Donate The mission of the Claremont Institute is to restore the principles of the American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life. The Claremont Institute | 1317 W Foothill Blvd #120, Upland, CA 91786 Unsubscribe
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