I’ll be honest, folks — we’re about 73% of the way to our end-of-quarter fundraising goal with just five days to go and there’s a good chance we might miss it. So in just a moment, I’m going to ask you to make a contribution to my campaign today. But first, I’d like to explain why.

Every three months, candidates for federal office must report their fundraising details to the Federal Election Commission. It’s a way of ensuring transparency in our elections. Our FEC report will show the amount of money we have raised and the number of people who have chipped in to help.

It’s also a big test of this campaign’s strength. You see, in 2018 this team beat the odds, broke records, and won re-election in an extremely competitive state despite mountains of outside attacks.

This time around, right-wing groups and special interests will be poring over our numbers to look for any sign of weakness. They want to see if this team is still strong enough to combat the attacks, defend our values, and help other Democrats win along the way.

I know how powerful this grassroots team is. But with just a few days until our numbers become public, we cannot afford to fall short on our critical FEC goal. Can I count on you to add a donation now?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I know you’re committed to the big fights we have ahead of us.

From protecting health care for millions of families and ensuring folks with pre-existing conditions stay covered, to getting dark money out of politics for good, I’m fighting alongside you.

Thanks for your support in this critical moment.

— Jon