Attorney General Keith Ellison has filed a consumer protection lawsuit against ExxonMobil, Koch Industries, and the American Petroleum Institute. The lawsuit will hold these major climate polluters accountable for their decades-long falsehoods about the climate harm their products have been causing in Minnesota. Read our full statement.
Take Action! Join J. Drake Hamilton in thanking Attorney General Ellison for his dedication to community health and environmental justice. Sign our thank you letter that we will deliver to Keith in July!
We have the know-how to build super-efficient housing that's both affordable and helps cut carbon emissions. So why isn't it happening? Join Fresh Energy and thought leaders for a free webinar series in July. Register today.
A little-known fact outside of the energy industry is that investor-owned utilities are required by the state to share their plans with the public for feedback through Integrated Resource Plans - and the public has a chance to shape these plans. Read more.
How We're Improving the Grid
and Protecting Customers:
Grid Modernization for Xcel 
The Public Utilities Commission made decisions that will influence grid modernization for Xcel Energy customers. Learn how Fresh Energy was involved.
Chipping Away at the 50 GW Gap
In 2019, we reported an impending gap between market demand for renewable electricity and transmission capacity in the Midwest. Get the latest from Will Kaul.
Customer Protections Amidst Crisis
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, our staff began to advocate for ways to ease some of the uncertainty and economic burden being borne by some renters and homeowners. We’re pleased to share an update. 
Coal Plants Move to Seasonal Operations
It's official, two of Xcel Energy's plants won't run at all in the spring and fall! This means savings for customers and a 30 percent reduction in carbon emissions from Xcel in Minnesota. Read more.


July 1 | Mowing Electric
Electric lawnmowers are becoming more popular each year – but do they live up to the hype? Join us for a free webinar where we'll take a look "under the hood" of some mower models, review of what's on the market, and more. Reserve your spot today.
October 22 | Virtual Benefit Breakfast
Fresh Energy’s big annual fundraiser will be virtual this year! We are pleased to welcome Leah Stokes, Ph.D., a national expert on energy, climate, and environmental politics. Together, we will discuss why clean energy must be at the center of rebuilding our economy and what that means for Minnesota. RSVP and join us!
To continue our work, we rely on the generosity of people like you who care about America’s energy future. We are thankful for our recent members and corporate supporters in May. Click here to see the full list.

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