Hi John,

I grew up in Scottsdale. This is not us.

I am in shock and heartbroken that our community is being represented by someone like Scottsdale City Councilman Guy Phillips.

If you missed it, we are now in national news because of Phillips's despicable decision to use, in mockery, the dying words of George Floyd to protest wearing a mask.

It was a truly appalling and disgusting display in our community yesterday. Here is this morning's article from The Washington Post.

And this is not the first time we've seen such behavior from Councilman Phillips. In March, I was vocal about another act of hate by him. He shared hate-driven, false COVID-19 information making our Asian American neighbors a target.

He has been allowed to say, "I didn't mean it" too many times.

This is repeated, blatant racism from an elected official. Our entire AZ-06 community must stand together and demand action.

I'm grateful to those elected officials who have spoken out quickly and clearly, condemning this behavior, but there has been no word from Rep. Schweikert as of yet.

Here's how you can take action

Sign the petition for his resignation

Email Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane

Email the City Council

This is not who we are.

Stay safe friends,
Anita Malik