As a follow up action from our National
Call For Moral Revival, please join us Today in taking action with
the Coalition for Brookland Manor on behalf of tenant leader Ms. Cheryl
Brunson and the rest of the tenants at Brookland Manor in their battle
against displacement. Both Ms. Minnie Elliott and Ms. Cheryl Brunson are
longtime members of the DC Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival , and Ms. Bruson's testimony was featured during the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington held last weekend
Take Action today:
Please follow the steps below to participate in our Social Media Day of Action to elevate the voices of the tenants at Brookland Manor:
Twitter: Click this link to
join us in demanding that Mayor Bowser and Councilmember McDuffie
either bring back all 535 units of affordable housing at Brookland Manor
as promised, or clawback the public's $47 million subsidy for the
On Facebook: Copy post the following status, and tag 5 friends to do the same:
I will not fund displacement. I stand with #BrooklandManor tenants, @willmfordc, and @DCMoralRevial to demand that @MayorMurielBowser
and @KenyanRMcDuffie meet with @bmbvassociation to bring back all 535
affordable units as promised or clawback the public's $47M subsidy,
3. Sign and Share the Brookland Manor Petition
4. Join the Coalition for Brookland Manor a collection of groups and individuals committed to ending the forced removal of people from their homes. Email [email protected] to co-sponsor the petition.
Upcoming Actions:The momentum behind the grandmothers at Brookland Manor is building. Join us for the following upcoming actions:
Saturday, 6/27 at 2:30PM Rally at Brookland Manor, organized by the PSL.
Tuesday, 6/30 at 6:00PM Join us for our first volunteer call for
people interested in reinforcing the tenants at Brookland Manor. This
meeting is being hosted by Beth Wagner, our volunteer coordinator for
the Coalition for Brookland Manor working with the Tenant Leaders Ms.
Minnie Elliott, Ms. Cheryl Brunson, Ms. Yvonne Johnson and others. We
will discuss the history of Brookland Manor and the organizing efforts
to date and provide an update on our current strategy. (Please sign up here).
Thank you for taking action against displacement at Brookland Manor! If you haven't already, please sign the petition in support of the tenants' demands.
Forward together,
DC Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
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