San Diego can bounce back stronger…

Hello John,


We can be discouraged by political strife, economic uncertainty, and fear-inducing news.


Or we can think critically about our circumstances and plan a path forward that will make us stronger than ever.


That’s why, today, I released “A Roadmap to Recovery for San Diego” that assesses the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the City of San Diego, its residents, its businesses and its economy and offers a path to building a more resilient economy and a better city government.


This is the product of months of work by a diverse group of community and business leaders, designed to make clear what my priorities will be as Mayor – so you can hold me accountable for it!


Here are a few priorities included in the Roadmap:

  • Citywide broadband Internet access to all families and small businesses
  • Developing a regional strategy to allow for an effective remote workforce
  • Ensuring equitable professional opportunities across racial, gender, and age groups starting at City Hall
  • Reforming the Police Department through an independent police review commission, emphasis on community policing, and transferring non-crime functions to other city staff
  • Addressing homelessness by treating its root causes, including providing mental health and substance abuse treatment, job training, and transitional housing
  • Promoting housing supply and affordability through local planning, converting of surplus commercial space for residential use, and enforcing the existing Municipal Code against short-term-rentals
  • Making cuts to the City’s expensive, bureaucratic, and unnecessary middle management

Please read it. Share it. And give me feedback.


Read the Roadmap

Finally, the first major reporting deadline is just a few days away. We need to prove that San Diegans are ready for an independent-minded approach to solving problems.


Will you chip-in $25, $50, $100 or more right now to join the thousands of contributors and volunteers that are ready to stop playing politics … and start solving problems!?


Can You Contribute?

I hope you join us,

Barbara Bry
Candidate for Mayor of San Diego




I'm on Instagram as @bry4sd. Install the app to follow my photos and videos.

Our mailing address is:
3295 Meade Ave Ste 212 San Diego, CA 92116-4557


Ad Paid for by Barbara Bry for San Diego Mayor 2020, ID #1414774