The citizen is sovereign only when he can retain and enjoy the fruits of his labor. If the government has first claim on his property he must learn to genuflect before it. When the right of property is abrogated, all the other rights of the individual are undermined, and to speak of the sovereign citizen who has no absolute right to property is to talk nonsense. It is like saying that the slave is free because he is allowed to do
--Plato, The Republic, VII [c. 370 B.C.]
June 25, 2020 The Nonsense of "National Security"
President Trump’s attempt to suppress publication of a new book by his former national-security advisor John Bolton has, not surprisingly, raised First Amendment issues. But there is another issue that everyone ignores: the “national security” argument that Trump is using to justify his attempt to suppress the book. Trump is alleging that ...
The Meaning and the Mind of an American
by Richard M. Ebeling
One of the continuing and burning issues in America today is determining how we view ourselves and how we view others, including in matters ...
Fifty Years of Statist Policies and Economic Fallacies
by Richard M. Ebeling
It is about fifty years since, as an undergraduate, I took my first economics classes in college. Virtually all my professors were adamant that ...
Racism and Police Brutality
by Jacob G. Hornberger and Richard M. Ebeling
What is the solution to racial bigotry and policy brutality in America? Join Jacob Hornberger and Richard ...