We can, and we must, stop this deeply bigoted nominee.

Tell your senator to stop the Tata nomination!

Dear Friend,

In an administration rife with racism and discrimination, Anthony Tata may be the worst of the worst.

He’s said, written, and repeated some of the most disgusting anti-Muslim and anti-Black tropes and epithets out there, none of which I will repeat (if you’re really curious, you can read more here).

On top of that, he’s a birther who called President Obama a “terrorist” with “Islamic roots,” he called advocating for Black victims of police violence “vicious race baiting,” and he literally wrote the plan to resegregate a southern school system.

That’s who Anthony Tata is and, if Trump has his way, he’ll be the third highest official at the Defense Department.

But you can help stop it. In order to get the job, he needs to be approved by the Senate, but his record is so damning that multiple senators and military generals have already disavowed him. Even the Republican senator in charge of vetting Tata has raised concerns!

That means we have a chance to stop this nomination. Will you click this link right now to tell your senator to reject the Tata nomination?

Your voice won’t be alone. It will be part of a chorus of over 50 civil rights groups we’re organizing to stop this nomination.

Tata’s jaw-dropping record of bigotry, racial epithets, anti-Muslim and anti-Black hostility make him one of the most openly and brazenly bigoted nominees in recent memory. If you agree, will you email your senator and invite others to do the same?


Thank you so much,

Scott Simpson
Public Advocacy Director
Muslim Advocates