Republican Jewish Coalition

John -- 

For those who don’t know me, my name is Scott Feigelstein, and I am the RJC’s Pennsylvania Director. I want to tell you about my friend Lisa Scheller. Lisa is running for Pennsylvania’s 7th congressional district seat. She is a mother, a Jew, a Zionist, a business owner, and a public servant - Lisa has also been an RJC leader for years. Lisa has already done so much for Lehigh County as a member of the Board of Commissioners, and I know she can do even more for our country in Congress.

Send Another Jewish Republican to Congress!

In her official capacity, Lisa has reined in spending, cut taxes, and created an environment to create jobs. Don’t those sound like things Congress should be doing?

Right now, we can’t get any of those things done in Congress, and the number one reason why is Nancy Pelosi. We can’t change anything until we get a Republican back into the Speaker’s seat, and to do that, we need to flip battleground seats. Pennsylvania’s 7th congressional district is split almost evenly between Republicans and Democrats, making it one of the most important races in 2020. So, will you help us send another fellow Jewish Republican and pro-business legislator to Congress?


Scott Feigelstein

Pennsylvania Director

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202.638.6688 | [email protected]
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