Folks –


Education is under attack by Betsy DeVos – AGAIN – and she’s not letting a pandemic get in the way of her crusade against public schools.  


Congress allocated more than $13 billion worth of emergency funding to help America's schools deal with costs related to the coronavirus crisis, but it won't get there if Betsy gets her way.


That's because DeVos wants to reroute critical pandemic relief from public schools to pay for private school tuition and more so she can damage public education and profit from the pandemic at the same time. 


Enough is enough! We’re sending Betsy DeVos a message that she won’t get away with stealing from our students and our schools on our watch! 

If you believe that education is a right, not a privilege, and strong public schools are critical to America’s future, add your name to condemn Betsy DeVos and her continued attacks on public education!


DeVos mistakenly believes she can get away with attacking public schools and profiting from her position as Secretary of Education because her boss and this current so-called president agrees and wants to do the same.


Education in America is not for sale and the morally bankrupt duo of Betsy DeVos and Donald Trump must be stopped. Are you with us?


Make it clear where you stand:


In this together,

Team MDP

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This email was sent by the Michigan Democratic Party | Building a Stronger Michigan

606 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933