
When it comes to competitive athletics, tennis legend Martina Navratilova said, “sex segregation is the only way to achieve equality for girls and women.” 

Yet, with the stroke of a pen, the U.S. Supreme Court last week called into question the legality of all sex-specific athletic teams.

In Bostock v. Clayton County, the Court held that it is unlawful to base decisions on biological sex. This decision undermines the foundation of women’s athletics and provides a legal justification for the elimination of all single-sex sports.
It’s not just that Bostock will allow local communities to let male players onto females’ teams; it’s that it will REQUIRE them to do so. 

When applied to Title IX, for example, if a guy doesn’t make it onto a men’s college sports team, he could sue for a spot on the women’s team. That could result in biological females losing spots on athletic teams with limited rosters, thereby costing them valuable opportunities, such as sponsorships. 

That’s not fair for women, and it defeats the purpose of Title IX.

Ultimately, as a result of Bostock, there may be no women’s teams and men’s teams—only co-ed teams and open competition. If this happens, is there any doubt that the vast majority of athletic opportunities will be taken by males? 

That is not equal opportunity. That is male dominance.

Join us in demanding fair play by signing our petition today.


Carrie Lukas
Independent Women’s Forum