Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting major recession, the Trump Administration and 18 state attorney generals ([link removed]) , are expected to file briefs today asking the Supreme Court to strike down the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA).
The stakes in this case have always been extraordinarily high ([link removed]) , but are even more so now, in the midst of a global pandemic and as the economic crisis causes more people to lose health insurance and become eligible for help from the ACA.
The Supreme Court will likely decide the case in the spring of 2021, when the unemployment rate is expected to still be about 10 percent and possibly amid a continuing COVID-19 public health crisis.
ACA repeal was expected to cause 20 million people to lose coverage ([link removed]) before the crisis, but millions more would likely lose coverage if the law were struck down during a deep recession, with commensurately larger impacts on access to care, financial security, health outcomes, and racial disparities in coverage and access to care.
Striking down the ACA would also impede efforts to end the COVID-19 public health crisis and deal with the fallout
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› ACA Repeal Lawsuit Would Cut Taxes for Top 0.1 Percent by an Average of $198,000 ([link removed])
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