Dear Friend,

We recently received a letter from the mayor of Hiroshima, Kazumi Matsui, in which he commended our efforts in working towards peace. In it he also shared the text of a Peace Declaration that he delivered on the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, at the city's annual Peace Memorial Ceremony, in which he expressed his ardent wish for a peaceful world without nuclear weapons so that no one else would experience such tragedy as Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 

I urge you to read the full declaration, which is included below, and to share its powerful and important message as widely as possible; a message of peace and reason in a world in which intolerance and aggression are on the increase.

I also urge you to please make a donation to CND today. Like Mr. Matsui, we pledge to make every effort to achieve the total elimination of nuclear weapons and beyond that, a world of genuine, lasting peace. You can help us in these efforts by making a donation and helping to ensure that we have the resources we need to carry out this essential work.
In peace,
Kate Hudson
General Secretary

P.S. You can read the full text of the Peace Declaration below. Thank you.
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