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Welcome to the Mapping the Future newsletter, where we feature reporting by City Limits and other outletsas well as resources for readerson the politics and policy of land-use and housing in New York City.

Here are this week's top stories:

Will New York Launch a Public Bank?
Local governments collect billions in taxes and other revenue every year and, before they spend the money, deposit it in private banks. Advocates say a public bank would allow New York City and other municipalities to leverage their financial power to achieve their policy goals, rather than private banks' profit. The state legislature is considering bills, including one authored by Queens' James Sanders, that would authorize local municipalities to lend money to public banks and authorize public ownership of stock in them.

Queens Borough Presidency Candidates’ Positions on Development 
Primary Day has come and gone, but votes in the race to fill the vacant Queens borough presidency are still being counted, and the actual election isn't until November. That means there's still plenty of time to learn more about how the likely next "beep" will approach land-use policy.



From Around the City and Beyond:

  • Manhattan listings are a at pre-Covid levels but deals aren't: Report [The Real Deal]

  • Staving off an eviction nightmare by expanding New Yorkers' right to counsel [Gotham Gazette]

  • Pandemic stalls new money for 'opportunity zones' as neighborhoods try to recover [WNYC]


For Your Calendar: 

  • Thursday, June 25, 1:30 p.m.: City Council Stated Meeting (virtual room 1). Link is here.
  • Monday, June 29, 10 a.m.: Boards of Standards and Appeals Executive Session. The Executive session can be viewed online on the Board’s website or YouTube channel here and Zoom here: Meeting ID: 947 3034 6025. Password: 971443. Call-in number: 646-558-8656. You can view the calendar here.
  • Monday, June 29, 1 p.m.: Committee on Housing and Buildings & Committee on Public Housing hearing (Virtual room 1). Link is here.
  • Monday, June 29, 2 p.m.: BSA Review session and public hearing. Watch on YouTube link here or Zoom here: Meeting ID: 952 5664 3216. Password: 982641. Call-in number: 646 558 8656. You can view the calendar here
  • Tuesday, June 30, 9:30 a.m.: Landmarks Preservation Commission teleconference hearing. Livestream will be available on their YouTube channel here.  Agenda link here
  • Tuesday, June 30, 10 a.m.: BSA review session and public hearing. Watch on YouTube link here or Zoom link here. Meeting ID: 920 6405 3160. Password: 738535. Call-in number: 646 558 8656. You can view the calendar here
  • Tuesday, June 30, 2 p.m.: BSA review session and public hearing. Watch on YouTube link here or Zoom link here. Meeting ID: 964 7822 3513. Password: 674284. Call-in number: 646 558 8656. You can view the calendar here.

Citizens' Toolkit

Hurricane season is here.
Do you know the evacuation zone in which your home or business is located?
Use the Department of Emergency Management's mapping tool to find out.

Affordable Apartments

The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development is closing lotteries on the following subsidized buildings over the next week:

1709 Park Place 
156 and 160 Erasmus Street
194 21st Street 
1932 Bryant Avenue

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