How the Jewish community can fight for racial justice with direction from Black Jewish leaders
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Dear John,

Please join us for ADL’s Fighting Hate from Home webinar today (June 25) at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT for a timely discussion on fighting racism as a multiracial Jewish Community with Ilana Kaufman, Executive Director of the Jews of Color Field Building Initiative, Gamal Palmer, Schusterman Fellow 2019, Ginna Green, political consultant and strategist, and ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt.

Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed horrifying acts of police brutality targeting Black lives, coupled with insidious racism that continues to underpin our country’s systems and structures, all on the heels of a global pandemic.

This moment and many before it demand dedicated focus and resources to actively address and fight racism. So too within the Jewish community, we must do the same.

However, the Jewish community can no longer see our collective fight for racial justice as white Jewish Allies, reflecting an old narrative. In the 21st century we must move forward with clear understanding that our work must be done through the lens of the multiracial community that we, in fact, already are. We must follow the leadership and direction of our own Black Jewish leaders in this charge.

During this Fighting Hate from Home webinar, join ADL, Ilana, Gamal and Ginna for a conversation on the role of Jewish leaders, institutions, and communities in serving and supporting our entire multiracial community, and what that means in particular for Black community members.

WEBINAR: “Fighting Racism as a Multiracial Jewish Community”
Today, Thursday, June 25
2:00 PM ET / 1:00 PM CT / 12:00 PM MT / 11:00 AM PT

Featuring Guest Speakers:

Ilana Kaufman

Ilana Kaufman

Ilana Kaufman is the Executive Director of the Jews of Color Field Building Initiative. The Initiative hosts the nation’s first and only philanthropic fund dedicated to Jews of Color. The Initiative’s work focuses on grant-making, research and field building, and community education. Ilana is also a nationally regarded thought leader on the importance of grappling at the intersection of Jewish communities, Jewish identity, and racial justice. Ilana’s work has been featured in the books Black Power Jewish Politics, and Moral Resistance and Spiritual Authority and she has been featured on NPR’s All Things Considered and Code Switch, and in the series “ELI Talks: Inspired Jewish Ideas.”

Gamal Palmer

Gamal Palmer

Gamal Palmer is the Senior Vice President of the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles where he oversees a myraid of leadership programs, board and professional development for a 200 person workforce. Palmer is the Founder and CEO of Global Eye Entrepreneurs, an organization creating pipelines to economic and sociopolitical power for male entrepreneurs of color. Earlier in his career, Palmer co-founded the New York-based Theater Arts collective, “Company Cypher,” which missioned to transform the conversation around skin tone prejudice and racism.

Ginna Green

Ginna Green

Ginna Green is a political strategist, writer and consultant, and, until June 2020, the Chief Strategy Officer at Bend the Arc: Jewish Action. There she led the work of the communications, advocacy, electoral, rapid response and racial equity teams from 2018-2020, a period of unprecedented white nationalism, antisemitism and authoritarianism in American life.

Please sign up now to join us today. You can send questions to our experts in the webinar’s chat tool. All registrants will be emailed a link to the recording to re-watch and share.

Please join us for this important discussion, and we encourage you to forward this email to your friends to join the ADL community for the webinar.