Friend, COVID-19 has spread to every corner of the globe.
We're running out of time to give children what they need to survive. You can help by donating vital supplies and, if you give right now, you'll send DOUBLE the urgent aid to the front lines of this crisis.
COVID-19 is aggravating already dire poverty and malnutrition rates, keeping almost 95% of children out of school and deepening global inequality. The crisis is especially bad in Yemen where millions were already overwhelmed with poverty, violence and malnutrition. Its health care and social services were barely hanging on — and now a pandemic that even a country like the U.S. is struggling to combat? With such a massive emergency, UNICEF's global relief efforts and our local work with community health workers are critical.
We must keep families safe from this virus while holding the line against the other threats children face. And right now, we're facing a funding shortage as we kick our work into high gear. Your support has never been more needed.
Give $50, children get $100 >>
Give $38, children get $76 >>
Give $25, children get $50 >>
We're running out of time to save lives, Friend. We have a major funding deadline at the end of June and we don't yet have what we need to protect children. If we don't close the gap, every dollar we fall short will mean less vital aid for children in desperate need. That's why we need you — give now, and your contribution will be DOUBLED.
There's no time to waste.
Thank you,
UNICEF USA 125 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038
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