Banning immigration is one of the worst things you can do for our economy. How are drugs legal and illegal at the same time?
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June 25, 2020
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Should the U.S. Withdraw from the World Trade Organization? ([link removed] )
Requests for a congressional withdrawal vote may not have been designed to promote WTO reform, but nevertheless there is an opportunity to put forward reform proposals.
- Voting on WTO Withdrawal ([link removed] )
By Simon Lester
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A Republican Takes on Qualified Immunity ([link removed] )
Senator Braun’s bill represents a major step forward in the larger discussion about police accountability in general, and qualified immunity in particular.
- Republican Senator Introduces Legislation to Reform Qualified Immunity ([link removed] )
By Jay Schweikert
Assessing Economic Damage from Trump’s Latest Immigration Ban ([link removed] )
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The Supreme Court has ended one tactic by the Trump White House to end Obama‐era protections for some immigrants. A new proclamation from the President aims to broadly suspend many more workers from coming to the U.S. Alex Nowrasteh comments.
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