Dear John --

If there is anything this week has shown us, it’s that New Zealanders need a government that takes responsibility, does what it says it will do, and delivers on the issues that matter to our country.

Whether it be the cancelled light-rail down Dominion Road in Auckland, KiwiBuild, Fees Free, the border quarantine failure or unaccountable Ministers, this Ardern Government has proven it simply cannot deliver for New Zealanders.

Tonight’s One News Colmar Brunton poll shows that New Zealanders are demanding better. Kiwis want, and deserve, a Government that has the team, the vision, and the plan to get you and your family through this economic and jobs crisis.

Just like you, I recognise we need to focus on the issues that matter. Like getting our front-line response on the border right and protecting Kiwis from further prolonged hardship. Just like you, I expect better from our Government. And just like you, I know something needs to change.

I’m proud to be leading National’s experienced and capable team into this election and presenting a clear alternative to the chaotic mess of a coalition led by Jacinda Ardern.

National has a plan to get our economy going, save Kiwi jobs and place you and your family at the centre of our recovery.

John, we need your help to get this done and get National across the line.

The 2020 Election is less than 90 days away. It will be hard fought, and every little bit helps.

Can you chip into our Campaign Fighting Fund right now?

Click here to chip in $30

Click here to chip in $50

Click here to chip in $100

Tonight’s poll result is down to the hard work of Team National across the country. We’re fighting hard everyday to win come September 19, and we can’t do it without you.

I hope I can count on your support

Thank you,


Todd Muller
Leader of the National Party

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