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Educational experts are calling for the school year to be detached from 'agricultural and religious cycles that have little relevance to modern society'. NSS CEO Stephen Evans is quoted.
Menorah Grammar School in Edgware has received a damning verdict from Ofsted, which described it as "dysfunctional" and operating in "appalling" premises with a curriculum "not fit for purpose".
"We should do what the public expects us to do, to grasp the nettle, beginning with an inquiry into the existing law on assisted dying and how it should change."
An exiled billionaire has accused the Chinese government of giving the Vatican £1.6billion every year in bribes to prevent it from criticising Beijing's sweeping clampdown on religions.
Google in Romania has been fined €2,000 after an internet user tagged the country's massive new Orthodox cathedral with an 'insulting post' on Google Maps.
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