Chancellor Rishi Sunak is drawing up a plan to bail out key industries who have taken a hit during the Coronavirus pandemic, but there’s a risk this plan will write blank cheques that jeopardise our chance to build back better.

Dear John,

Chancellor Rishi Sunak is drawing up a plan to bail out key industries who have taken a hit during the Coronavirus pandemic. But there’s a risk this plan will write blank cheques that prop up corporations who fuel inequality and drive the climate crisis [1].

Public money should be spent to benefit all of us. We need a new deal from our government that prioritises people, invests in public services and tackles climate change.

Government ministers like Rishi Sunak have a responsibility to respond to other MPs – so if we can get MPs on board, we can have a direct line to the Chancellor at this crucial time.

Email your MP today asking them to pressure Rishi Sunak and make sure any bailout package helps us Build Back Better >>

This pandemic has exposed major weaknesses in our economy, and exposed the deep-seated inequalities in our society that means the most vulnerable people have been hit hardest. The recovery plans under development by the Treasury and government offer the chance to build back better than before.

We believe that any public bailouts must include conditions that prioritise the interests of workers, communities and our climate – helping build an economy that works for people and planet, rather than taking us back to 'business as usual'.

Agree? Write to your MP now using our easy-to-use tool.

At 350 we have united with dozens of other organisations and networks to launch the campaign to Build Back Better. Together with groups representing nurses and teachers, fighting for tax justice and housing rights, and many others, we're calling for a coronavirus recovery plan that puts people and planet first. Join us and help our message reach your MP!


Ellen –

[1] Sunak's plan is called 'Project Birch'. Read more about it here in City AM. is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.

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