Thursday, June 25th, 2020

A Covid-19 Vaccine Is Being Rushed to Market for the November Election

How not to take it. Bill Sardi

America in Crisis: The Predicament

Vasko Kohlmayer

COVID: Behind the Global Nursing Home Disaster, and the Case-Number Scam

Who cares about all the old people dying? Jon Rappoport

The Demand To Have Statues & Paintings of ‘White Jesus’ Torn Down Has Made BLM an Iconoclast Movement, Not Just a Marxist One

Guy Birchall

The Afterlife of America’s Original Sin

Andrew P. Napolitano

Insults to Black History

Walter E. Williams

Bubba Smollett, Jussie Wallace

Steve Sailer

Anarchy and Voluntaryism

Doug Casey

What of Natural Rights?


J.K. Rowling’s Publisher Refuses To Require Trans ‘Re-education’ Classes, so a Bunch of Crybabies Quit

Megan Fox

Here Come the Bourgeoisie Bolsheviks

Matt Purple

Forbes Caught in Blatant Censoring Act

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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