Hi John, 

It's less than three months until the election. Things are heating up and we need to work hard if we are to elect a National Government to lead us out of Covid.

What I'm standing for

I'll be speaking more about my priorities over the next month, but you won't be surprised by them:

  • Jobs (protecting them and creating more in our region),
  • Transport (road and rail, including our Expressways and the Pekapeka Interchange),
  • Healthcare (more services in our region),
  • Education (a new school in Waikanae), and
  • The environment (fighting for the Foxton River Loop restoration).

You might have seen yesterday that Nikki Kaye and I announced that National will build a new Primary School (Years 1 - 8) in Waikanae, if elected back into government this year. This is the first of many exciting announcements for our region. You can read more here. No more long drives to school if you live at the beach!

Can you help? It's only three months until the election and I'm keen to connect with as many people as I can. If you'd like to help or support my campaign, even just for an hour or two, I'd love to hear from you via this quick link, or reply to this email.

What I've been doing

Since Level 1 I've been flat out. I've left my Air Force job so I can work full-time going door-to-door. I've visited schools, farms, boat ramps, cafes, shops and markets. I've spoken to local groups, police, councils, and above all else, every-day Kiwis on their doorsteps.

Meeting people at their home gives them a chance to get to know me, and gives me a chance to hear what our community thinks. You can't short-cut this hard work. Over the last week the frustration at the shambolic management of quarantine has been telling. People are telling me they trusted the messaging about our world-class testing and contact tracing and quarantine, but suddenly none of it rings true. We have worked too hard to go back to level 4.

Visiting MPs

Lately I've hosted Nikki Kaye, David Bennett, Matt Doocey, Ian McKelvie, Tim van de Molen and Erica Stanford. I'll be joined soon by Gerry Brownlee, Judith Collins, Mark Mitchell, Simon Bridges, Brett Hudson, Chris Penk and Simeon Brown. If you want to meet any of these email me and I'll let you know how. 

Where you can meet me

Aside from all the usual candidate debates and meetings, the easiest way to meet me is to invite me to your place: your home, your work, your club. I think it's really important you get the chance to meet me before the election, so I'm very happy to come and meet you and your friends, neighbours and work mates at any point. Email me and we can make a time. 

I hope to see you on the streets over the next three months, and I'd welcome any support you can give. See you very soon, 

Tim Costley

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