If each of us is willing to take a stand, we can take on Big Tech.
If each of us is willing to take a stand, we can take on Big Tech.
Dear Friend,
We believe that there are more people in this country who believe that human beings must not be objectified, exploited, abused, or trafficked than there are people who believe that those types of exploitation are somehow acceptable.
We know you believe in a world free from sexual exploitation.
If each of us is willing to take a stand and contribute however much we can, we believe that together the movement to end sexual exploitation can take on the deep pockets of Big Tech.
A generous donor has offered a $3 million matching grant to help further the cause of human dignity and protecting children from online sexual exploitation. All you have to do is say “yes” to whatever amount you can afford today and your generosity and impact will be automatically DOUBLED!
What do you say? Are you with us?
Patrick Trueman
President and CEO
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
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