
Thank you to everyone for your support of Serve America’s endorsed candidates so far this year! We have months to keep fighting until November, but our candidates are already on ballots in states across the country as we write this.

The primaries on June 23 were a huge win for the Serve America class of incumbent freshmen Members of Congress, all of whom won their primaries yesterday and are heading into tough general election fights with momentum. If we hope to get this outstanding freshman class re-elected in November, we’ll need your help to make sure they have the resources they need to be successful.

Can you rush a contribution today on behalf of these incredible members of Congress?

Representative Antonio Delgado (NY-19) attended Colgate University, where he later earned a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford, and then attended Harvard Law. Antonio started his own company designed to empower young people to learn through music and pursued a second career as an attorney before turning to politics. He is focused on creating a vibrant economy, ensuring access to affordable healthcare, and protecting the agricultural interests of New York’s Hudson Valley. Antonio currently serves on the House committees on Agriculture, on Small Business, and on Transportation and Infrastructure.

Representative Max Rose (NY-11) is a decorated Army veteran and former non-profit healthcare executive. Upon being sworn in, he pledged to fight for Staten Island and South Brooklyn and focus on the transportation needs of his district, fighting the opioid epidemic, and rooting out corruption in Washington. Max currently serves on the House committees on Homeland Security and on Veterans’ Affairs.

Representative Elaine Luria (VA-02) is a retired Navy commander who served at sea on six ships as a nuclear-trained Surface Warfare Officer and culminated her 20-year Navy career by commanding a combat-ready unit of 400 sailors. Currently, Elaine is the Chair of the House Armed Services Committee’s Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs Subcommittee and is the only female veteran to chair a Subcommittee. Elaine has worked across the aisle to pass critical legislation to improve the quality of life for those who have served. Elaine also currently serves on the House Committee on Homeland Security.

Representative Abigail Spanberger (VA-07) has always served her country and her community. She began her career of public service as a federal law enforcement officer working narcotics and money laundering cases. Following her love of country, public service, and languages, Abigail joined the CIA as an Operations Officer. After she decided to run for Congress, she became the first Democrat in 50 years, and the first woman ever, to represent Virginia’s 7th Congressional District. She currently serves on the Foreign Affairs committee and Agriculture committee. She is focused on our country’s national security, fighting for Central Virginia families by lowering prescription drug prices, and expanding broadband internet access.

Anything you can give today in support of Antonio, Max, Elaine, and Abigail would be a huge help.

Thank you for all you’re doing,

-Serve America