It all depends on four Senate seats.

Last week, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ workers and blocked the Trump Administration’s efforts to end the DACA program, preventing the deportation of hundreds of thousands of DREAMers.

Clearly, neither of those decisions went President Trump’s way.

So Trump is now threatening to pack the court with more hand-picked appointees who will side with him on every decision.

The Senate has a final say over all judicial appointments, making our fight to take back the Majority this November that much more crucial. I know not everyone is in a position to make contributions right now, but if you are, please chip in to support Democrats on the ballot this year.

The Trump Administration and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have made it a top priority to pack the courts with their preferred judges. Trump has appointed an almost record-breaking 200 judges -- the second most appointees of any president.

Trump and McConnell are transforming the courts, which could have a lasting impact on our country.

We need to flip the Senate if we’re going to stop Trump and McConnell from stacking the courts with extremists, and control of the Majority comes down to just four seats. That means we need to work together to elect folks like Theresa Greenfield and Gary Peters

If you can, chip in now to help flip the Senate this November →

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