
This past week Attorney General William Barr extended his litany of abuses of power by helping Donald Trump abruptly fire Geoffrey Berman – the top federal prosecutor in New York City, whose investigation into Trump's closest associates was getting “too close for comfort.”

During William Barr's confirmation hearing, I asked him point-blank if he would ever allow the president to fire a U.S. Attorney to stop an investigation. He said, under oath, that he would not stand by and let that happen. But now, that's exactly what he's done, and his resignation is more urgently needed than ever.

It's as shamefully blatant as ever that Barr is Trump's political henchman – decimating the independence and integrity of the Department of Justice in the process. That's why he must resign now.

In the face of these unprecedented threats to our democracy, the need for an outpouring of voices speaking out for justice and accountability has never been greater. So please, will you stand with me today in this fight?

Please click here to sign my petition demanding that Attorney General William Barr step down immediately. His resignation is a first step toward justice – and one that is long overdue.

The Attorney General of the United States is supposed to be the American people’s lawyer.

Barr has helped Trump abuse power and obstruct any investigations that would bring accountability since his confirmation. This latest move to fire a U.S. Attorney is just the most recent example of Barr unsubtly acting as Trump's personal lawyer.

As Barr tries to drag the Department of Justice to a hellish low with his despicable crusade to aid and abet Donald Trump's corruption, each of us must speak out to hold them accountable. That's why I won't let up in this fight for justice, and I'm counting on you to add your voice alongside mine:

Will you sign my petition calling for Attorney General Barr's immediate resignation? For the sake of our democracy, he must not be allowed to continue abusing power to do Donald Trump's political bidding.

Thank you for taking a stand on this urgent matter,


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