New cosponsor for H.R. 763, Senate hearing for Braun bill
Following a week where CCL volunteers held more than 400 meetings with congressional offices, we have a couple of legislative updates. First, the Energy Innovation Act (H.R. 763) picked up another cosponsor. Rep. Tony Cárdenas (D-CA) signed on after meeting with CCL constituents from California’s 29th District. He sits on the Energy and Commerce Committee, one of the committees of jurisdiction for the bill. We invite you to retweet our “thank you” that’s posted on Twitter. The other news this week on the Hill is that a Senate hearing was held today for the Growing Climate Solutions Act, legislation introduced earlier this month by Senate Climate Solutions Caucus co-chair Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN). The bill would help farmers and foresters get paid for using climate-smart practices. The hearing, held just three weeks after the bill’s introduction, is an indication of the bipartisan support the bill is attracting. Today’s hearing featured witnesses from the Environmental Defense Fund, the American Farm Bureau Federation, the National Farmers Union and Land O’Lakes Inc. You can tweet your appreciation to Braun and the other sponsors of the bill with our action tool.
Other news this week: DC staffer leaving: We’re sad to announce that Andres Jimenez, one of CCL’s Senior Directors of Government Affairs, is moving on from CCL. But we’re thrilled about his important next steps: Andres will be the Executive Director of the organization Green 2.0, which works to promote racial diversity in the leadership of the environmental field. Learn more on their website, and keep up with Andres’ work by following Green 2.0 on Facebook or Twitter. Hang out with our Mountain West Region leader: You probably didn’t know that Bill Barron works with a ski patrol in Utah and sets off explosive charges on snow packs to clear out potential avalanches. Learn more about our Mountain West Regional Coordinator in this week’s Hangout with a CCL Staffer at noon ET / 9 a.m. PT on Friday. This will be the last hangout of the summer. Details here. CCL Pakistan asks government to join carbon pricing group: Raza Hussain Qazi, group leader for the CCL chapter in Lahore, Pakistan, has asked the Pakistani government to join the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, a group administered by the World Bank that is dedicated to implementing carbon pricing on a global scale. Raza posted a tweet about the CPLC, which you can learn more about here. |