John --

With the primary behind us and Steve King defeated, we know where this election is headed.

We know what our opponent, Randy Feenstra, plans to do: he’s going to take a bunch of money from his wealthy friends and corporate PACs, funnel it into TV ads, and sit back in Des Moines.

You know who doesn’t take a cent from corporate PACs? J.D. Scholten.

You know who does get out there to the people? J.D. Scholten.

So here’s our plan: J.D. will drive Sioux City Sue to every single town in Iowa’s 4th district (that’s 378 towns in less than five months!), while wearing a face mask and hosting socially-distant events, so he can talk to voters and bring more folks into our campaign.

We have big plans, but if we can’t get the grassroots support we need to make them happen, then we’ll have to make them smaller. And small plans don’t flip red districts blue -- that’s the truth.

So it’s more important than ever that we have a huge fundraising quarter to build a different kind of campaign that will win this election. John, chip in $5 before our June 30th deadline.

Now that we are in the general election, this is a real race, a real challenge, and a real opportunity.

We need to fill up the tank of J.D.’s Winnebago, Sioux City Sue, and go town by town through this district and make sure that no one is left behind. We’ll talk about the issues that matter to our families, farmers, and rural communities: health care, farm policy, immigration, and a fair economy for all. We want to make sure that every voter knows what’s at stake here: another corporate-bought, career politician versus J.D., who’s going to stand tall for all.

There are just six days until our fundraising numbers are made public, and it’s time to show the world that Team Scholten is ready to flip this district blue. We know you’ve been with us before -- and we’re hoping you can help us have a huge showing for this deadline.

Can you chip in $5, or whatever feels right, today?

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for sticking with us -- together, we can build a grassroots campaign that will get the nation’s attention.

Stay safe,

Team Scholten

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Contributions or gifts to Scholten4Iowa are not tax deductible
Paid for by Scholten4Iowa Campaign Committee

P.O. Box 3531
Sioux City, IA 51102