Dear Supporter, 
Last night, Channel 4 dedicated a large chunk of its Dispatches programme, “Battle for the Tory Party” to Leave.EU’s campaign to get pro-Remain Tory MPs deselected.
WATCH | Channel 4 coverage of Leave.EU's deselection campaign
Earlier in the day, Sky News reported three dozen Conservative MPs are anxious about getting deselected as a result of Leave.EU's coordinated efforts with grassroots Tories across the country. Our message is getting through.
Yesterday, notorious Remainer, Sam Gyimah received his summons to a special general meeting of his East Surrey local association.

No Confidence petitions are out for Business Secretary Greg Clark, Richard Harrington, Antoinette Sandbach, Oliver Letwin, Caroline Spelman and Brandon Lewis to name but a few of the most shameful Remainers on the Tory benches (see cover image of this email).

If you’re a Tory member in one of their seats or another held by a disruptive Remainer, visit Leave.EU/deselect to see how you can make a difference. 
Leave.EU is doing great work in making Tory MPs think twice about plotting to block Brexit. Support us so that we can keep piling on the pressure. 

Our deselection campaign helped bring about the defections of Anna Soubry, Sarah Wollaston and Heidi Allen to Change UK irrelevance. Nick Boles also jumped before being pushed. Phillip Lee and Dominic Grieve have both lost no-confidence motions.

They are just the beginning. As we approach a new Brexit phase with a new prime minister, Leave.EU will continue to apply tremendous pressure on MPs and Tory HQ to honour the will of the people

They will deviate from that course at their peril. 

Kind regards, 
The Leave.EU Team
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