‼️ Today we got a double glimpse of the damage Mitch McConnell’s Republican Senate majority is doing to our country via its confirmation of Trump’s unfit, extremist judicial nominees.‼️ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3X-MATCH Deadline: 6 Days

take back the senate

PFAW Member,

Today we got a double glimpse of the damage Mitch McConnell’s Republican Senate majority is doing to our country via its confirmation of Trump’s unfit, extremist judicial nominees.

The Senate just confirmed its 200th Trump judge to the federal bench … and Mitch McConnell’s already bragging about it on Twitter, noting that every vacancy on our incredibly powerful circuit courts of appeal has been filled.

And, just today, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals handed down a decision, written by extremist Trump nominee Neomi Rao, ordering the DC District Court to drop the case against disgraced former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn!

EVERY ONE of our target Republican incumbent senators in our Take Back the Senate campaign voted to confirm Judge Rao.

We have ads running and more in production … and we’re training activists and have staff on the ground in key states … but in order to keep up our momentum against Trump’s enablers in the Senate and finally END McConnell’s majority, we need to raise another $88,033 in just the next 6 days!

All donations are 3X-MATCHED before our deadline!

Chip in now to hold Republican senators accountable, save our courts, and FLIP THE SENATE! Your support will be TRIPLED >>

Today’s news offers the perfect illustration of how urgent it is that we hold Republican senators accountable for confirming unfit judges who continue to stand against the rule of law, against democracy, and against Americans’ fundamental rights.

But the good news is that virtually all of the GOP senators whose seats we’re working to flip are now in extremely close races or even polling behind their Democratic challengers! And that’s in large part because of the work of PFAW and our members -- and because of your incredible support, and other members like you.

We can’t slow down … not even for a second.

As Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell do a victory lap on their grim milestone of confirming 200 Trump judges to lifetime seats on the federal bench, you know the harm that these judges are already doing – and will continue to do – to Americans’ fundamental rights.

That’s why we’re pleading with you to dig deep and make your most generous 3X-MATCHED donation today to help us defeat Trump and TAKE BACK THE SENATE! Please chip in what you can now>>

Thank you for everything you do.

-- PFAW’s Take Back the Senate Fund






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Radical Right extremists are trying to turn back the clock on a century of advances in civil rights, women’s rights, workers’ rights, the social safety net and more… With Donald Trump in the White House, they’re waging an all-out assault on the fundamental pillars of our country – democracy, checks and balances, a fair and independent judicial branch, and core values like fairness, equality, and justice for all.

PFAW is fighting back every day with:

✔ Grassroots organizing
✔ Lobbying and advocacy
✔ Research and education
✔ Voter mobilization
✔ And more…

But we can’t do this vital work without the robust grassroots financial support of our members and activists.

Please help fund the fight for progress and stand against right-wing extremism with an urgently needed donation to PFAW today>>

People for the American Way

People for the American Way

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