Let me be very clear: we are making great progress because supporters like you got involved to make a big difference in these races.

Friends -

Thank you so much for the volunteer efforts and financial support you are providing for great progressive candidates up and down the ballot. Together, we are effectively taking on big-money interests and the political establishment, transforming American politics and creating a movement that fights for working families, not just the 1 percent.

As you know, in yesterday's Democratic primary elections we were actively involved in a number of important races — from U.S. Senate to District Attorney.

Because of the pandemic, and the huge increase in absentee ballots that were cast but not yet counted, most of the final election results will not be known until next week. But, I did want you to know that based on the votes that were tabulated yesterday, some of our progressive candidates have already won and others are doing very well and stand an excellent chance of winning.

One major election that has been decided is a great victory for our progressive movement. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has been a leader in Congress on virtually every major issue facing the American people — workers' rights, climate change, health care, immigration reform and so many others — was opposed by a very well-funded establishment opponent. Nonetheless, she won a landslide victory with, at this point in the vote count, some 72 percent of the vote. Congratulations, Alexandria.

Another hotly contested race was in NY Congressional District 16. Jamaal Bowman, a New York City school principal and strong progressive, took on Eliot Engel, a 16-term incumbent actively supported by the entire Democratic establishment and a reactionary super PAC. At this point in the vote process, Bowman is leading Engel with 60.9 percent of the vote to Engel's 35.6 percent.

In NY Congressional District 17, Mondaire Jones is leading with 44.8 percent of the vote in an 8-person race. This was a crowded race and Mondaire is showing that the people in his district want real progressive leadership.

All six of the New York state legislative candidates we endorsed did incredibly well in their primaries last night. Julia Salazar, Jessica Ramos, Mike Gianaris, Ron Kim and Yuh-Line Niou won big, and Jabari Brisport has opened up a wide lead as ballots are still coming in. We also endorsed Matthew Toporowski for Albany County District Attorney and absentee ballots are being counted for his race.

In Kentucky, we are still awaiting results for Charles Booker who is running for Senate to defeat Mitch McConnell. Charles has gained a ton of momentum in the race and closed the gap with his Democratic primary opponent. Kentucky will be processing absentee ballots with another race update to come early next week.

Let me be very clear: we are making great progress because supporters like you got involved to make a big difference in these races.

These are candidates who believe that health care is a right, not a privilege, that climate change is an existential threat to the planet, that the time is long overdue for us to end institutional racism in this country.

These are candidates who understand that all of our people, regardless of income, deserve the ability to get a higher education and that we need to strengthen public education all across the country. They understand that we need real immigration reform and we need to raise the minimum wage to a living wage to end the absurdity of half of our people living paycheck to paycheck.

These are candidates who are prepared to take on the billionaire class of this country and continue our struggle for justice.

If we're going to bring about transformative change in this country — if we're going to take on the powerful special interests — we need to elect more great candidates at the grassroots level.

Last night was a big night for our movement and while we are still awaiting final results, it looks like we are doing very well. But let us not forget that there is still much to be done to carry out the goals of our movement and create a government that works for all of our people, not just the wealthy.

Let's roll up our sleeves. Let's keep up the good work. Let's continue electing progressive candidates all across this country.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

Please make a $2.70 contribution to help Bernie Sanders elect progressives up and down the ballot, all across the country. Progressives have a chance to make great gains, but Bernie cannot do it alone. Please make a contribution today.

Contribute $2.70 to help Bernie elect a record number of progressives this November.